Where was Larry Silverstein on 911 [short version]

2018-11-25 124

Where was Larry Silverstein on 911

Uploaded by Health Plan [on Youtube] Published on Apr 28, 2010

[longer version, more footage: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xzpv31 ]

This video provides a chronology of World Trade Center owner, Larry Silverstein's day on September 11th, 2001. The only question that remains unanswered about Larry's day, is why he was so lucky. Firstly, he managed to avoid being killed in the attacks due to a fortunate appointment with a dermatologist. The events of 9/11 also provided an easy solution to the costly and cumbersome problem of how to deal with the illegal asbestos that covered every steel beam in the twin towers. 9/11 also solved Silverstein's problem of finding new tenants to occupy the trade center buildings. And on top of that, Silverstein gained a multi-billion dollar payout from an insurance policy he took out just 6 weeks before 9/11. Considering all of these fortunate coincidences, it is strange that Silverstein has not even been questioned by the police.
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Silverstein, op 9/11 sinds zes weken huurder van het WTC-complex, vertelt in een teenkrommend interview hoe hij die rampzalige ochtend van de aanslagen door een buitengewoon toeval door zijn vrouw naar de dermatoloog was gedwongen. Silverstein sprak sinds hij leaseholder was elke ochtend met zijn nieuwe huurders in het Windows on the World Restaurant, de bovenste verdieping van de noordtoren, WTC 1. In het filmpje ook materiaal over WTC 7.


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